

MoinMoin is the software used to power this website. It has a number of advantages, of which the most important is that users can write to pages as well as just read them. This provides an ideal way to communicate with the general public, as well as with each other.

All ESRs will be given an account and an area on the site which they can use as they see fit (within reason!) to record their thoughts about and progress on the project. These areas will be open to the public, so don't post unpublished results here, and always consult your supervisor if you are at all unsure as to what material can be made public.

In addition to theSlides from the earlier tutorial, please take time to read this gentle introduction on the MoinMoin website.


  1. Login to the website using account details provided.
  2. Change your password
  3. Edit your user prefs
  4. Navigate to your home page

  5. Create content !

None: AccliPhot/WorkshopTwo/Moin (last edited 2014-09-04 14:26:42 by mark)