
Incomplete !!

Recomended Reading

Lutz & Ascher, "Learning Python" O'Reilly Media inc. (Edition 2 or greater)

The 2nd edition is quite old, but everything you need to know about Python to be productive in ScrumPy can be found here. More recent versions are, of course, fine

The Python website

The official Python documentation can be found here. This tutorial moves quite rapidly, and in later sections assumes some knowledge of computer science/programming. Remember, you don't need to be a programmer to use ScrumPy (and learning to use ScrumPy is not at all the same thing as learning programming !).

Why Python ?

Knowing syntax vs programming

Inbuilt types and classes

int, float, str, list and dict

Classes and sub-classes

Repetiton and Decisions


Modules and Packages

Standard libraries

Not all of them ! In practice math and random are the most commonly with ScrumPy. sys and os are also useful - any other suggestions ?

None: ScrumPy/Doc/PyNotes (last edited 2012-10-09 13:02:17 by mark)