== Incomplete !! == == Recomended Reading == === Lutz & Ascher, "Learning Python" O'Reilly Media inc. (Edition 2 or greater) === The 2^nd ^edition is quite old, but everything you need to know about Python to be productive in {{{ScrumPy}}} can be found here. More recent versions are, of course, fine === The Python website === The official Python documentation can be found [[http://docs.python.org/tutorial/index.html|here]]. This tutorial moves quite rapidly, and in later sections assumes some knowledge of computer science/programming. Remember, you don't need to be a programmer to use {{{ScrumPy}}} (and learning to use {{{ScrumPy}}} is not at all the same thing as learning programming !). ==== Why Python ? ==== ==== Knowing syntax vs programming ==== ==== Inbuilt types and classes ==== int, float, str, list and dict ==== Classes and sub-classes ==== ==== Repetiton and Decisions ==== ==== Functions ==== ==== Modules and Packages ==== ==== Standard libraries ==== Not all of them ! In practice math and random are the most commonly with {{{ScrumPy}}}. sys and os are also useful - any other suggestions ?