#acl hassan:read,write AccliphotAdmGroup:read,write All:read = AccliPhot = This exciting project is funded under the EU FP7 framework and comprises 13 international partners, coordinated by Oliver Ebenhoeh of the University of Aberdeen. The EU announcement can be found [[http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=proj.document&PJ_LANG=EN&PJ_RCN=13191308&pid=87&q=2D2FAA8BD56D7B091CE67BB014675D61&type=adv|here]] and the main consortium website is [[http://www.accliphot.eu|here]]. * [[AccliPhot/WorkshopOne|Details of the first training workshop]] * [[AccliPhot/WorkshopTwo|Details of the second training workshop]] * Meetings * [[AccliPhot/Kick off meeting|Kick off meeting]] * [[AccliPhot/Partners|Partner Area]] * [[AccliPhot/ESRBlogs|Blogs of our Early Stage Researchers]]