= C1net Workshop 4 on Metabolic Modelling = == 15 - 19th January, 2018 at the Park Hotel, Nottingham,NG5 2BT == === Introduction to Structural Modelling === * [[Meetings/C1netWork4/VenueTravel|Venue and Travel]] Nottingham Station has re-opened after the fire, but check with your train company for any service alterations via [[http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/default.aspx|http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/]]. * [[Meetings/C1netWork4/InitialInstrucs|Pre-arrival instructions]] * [[Meetings/C1netWork4/Plan|Timetable and course materials]] === Introduction === Redirecting an organism’s metabolism towards novel products raises a number of design issues. What is the impact of the new pathway on the cell's energy and redox metabolism? Can the precursor and coenzyme requirements be satisfied? Should some parts of the metabolic network be blocked off to ensure the most efficient routes to the product are favoured? Answering these questions needs tools that can compute and compare feasible routes through the cell's metabolic network, as well as methods for defining and representing the metabolic network in a way the tools can use. This is the domain of structural analysis of metabolism, and techniques such as elementary modes analysis and flux balance analysis. This combined theoretical and practical course will explain the theory behind these techniques and give hands-on experience of building metabolic network models and calculating feasible and optimal routes through them. It will be presented by David Fell and his colleagues in the Cell Systems Modelling Group of Oxford Brookes University. It covers the same area as the previous C1net Modelling Workshops 1 and 3, but is complementary to Workshop 2 on kinetic models. || {{http://mudsharkstatic.brookes.ac.uk/Graphics/brookes.jpg|brookes logo|height="100 align=middle"}} || || {{http://mudsharkstatic.brookes.ac.uk/Graphics/C1Net.png|C1Netlogo|height="150 align=middle"}} || || {{http://mudsharkstatic.brookes.ac.uk/Graphics/bbsrc_new.png|bbsrc logo|height="120 align=middle"}} ||