
Installing ScrumPy

There are two options for installing ScrumPy:

Native Installation:

ScrumPy in a Virtual Machine:


  1. Copy the large ScrumPy.ova file from the USB drive provided onto your computer.Then remove the USB drive and pass it on.

  2. Start VirtualBox on your computer. Select Import appliance from the File menu and choose the ScrumPy.ova file. Wait several minutes whilst this configures. If you are running a 32 bit Windows with VirtualBox, then ask one of us for the 32 bit ScrumPy.ova file.

  3. ScrumPy will appear on the VirtualBox Manager window.

  4. Important - adjust the amount of memory allocated to the virtual machine:

    1. Highlight the new virtual machine in the VirtualBox window

    2. Click the "settings" button.
    3. Click the "system" button in the window which now appears.
    4. On the "motherboard" tab adjust the "Base memory" slider to the maximum recommended amount ie keep it in the green zone.

    5. Ideally, you should allocate at least 1GB. If you have less than this you will need to share with a fellow student, for one of the practicals.
  5. If VirtualBox produces an error message at this point, you need to enable virtualisation in your machine's BIOS. Ask one of the demonstrators if this is the case.

  6. Wait whilst Linux operating system starts up. At the login screen, give your user name as scrumpy and password as scrumpy


Changing Passwords

Getting Started

  1. Open a terminal window. If you are running the virtual machine, click on Terminal under the Applications/Accessories menu item, or on the computer icon on the menu bar if it appears.

  2. Create a directory for your models.
  3. Type "ScrumPy", and it will start. Continue to the practical instructions for what to do next.

  4. If the characters appearing in the terminal window do not correspond to the keys you are pressing, go to the system settings, select keyboard settings and change the keyboard to match that of your computer. The virtual machine has been set up with a UK keyboard layout.

None: Meetings/C1netWork4/ScrumPyInstall (last edited 2018-01-15 17:43:07 by mark)