
Practical 2: Common Python Data Structures and Functions

Introduction/Aims of this practical

The aims of this practical are two-fold: firstly to introduce you to the different ways in which data is represented in python, and, in the second part how to use python to manipulate data covering most of the material in the previous lecture. This practical is not about modelling per se, but the material here is an essential pre-requisite for the modelling practicals that follow.


Having started ScrumPy, read the tutorial material below, and then replicate the python examples in the ScrumPy command window (don't copy and paste!).

It is important that you understand what each of these examples is doing, it's not enough to simply reproduce the ouptut shown here on your own laptop screens! You should therefore test this by modifying some of these examples - you should be able to correctly predict the effects of these modifications, and if not then explain why not.

Note: In the examples below we will be using python interactively. In this case ">>>" represents the python prompt which tells you that python is ready for you to type something, not something that you should type.To do the excersises type in the text following the prompt and fit the return key.

Part 1: How data is represented in Python

Data can be as simple as a single digit, or as complex as a suite of genome databases. Python comes with a number of relatively simple data-types, but as we will see, these can be combined to build a python representation of whatever it is that we are studying. The purpose of ScrumPy is to define such collections of simple data-types in a defined way (a data-structure) particularly useful for metabolic modelling, and routines that act upon them. We will start by examining some of the common built-in types.The complete, official python documentation can be found here, although you might find some of it a bit technical, and it goes beyond what is needed for this course.

Viewing data

Simply typing a value at the prompt causes it to be printed on the screen:

   1 >>> "Hello"
   2 'Hello'

if we assign a value to a variable, then typing the variable name will cause the value of the variable to be printed:

   1 >>> Greet = "Hello"
   2 >>> Greet
   3 'Hello'

Finally, if we use the built in "print" function, this will also cause the value to be printed on the screen. For some data the two methods may result in a different represesentation of the same value:

   1 >>> print(Greet)
   2 Hello

Question: What is the difference between the two ways in which Greet is represented?

Primitive Data Types


Booleans are used to indicate whether or not something is considered true, and can take one of exactly two values, True or False, they can be generated explicitly, or as the result of a comparison:

   1 >>> val=True
   2 >>> val
   3 True
   4 >>> 3>=4
   5 False
   6 >>> val = 3==4
   7 >>> val
   8 False

Question: Explain line 6 in the example above.


Python has three built in ways of defining numbers: integer, floating point and complex numbers although are not relevant to this course.

Integers are whole, or counting, numbers and can be either positive or negative, they are represented as a sequence of digits which contains no other characters. Floating-point, or real, numbers contain a fractional component followng a decimal point. They can also be represented using the "e" notation, common to many other languages which represents "times 10 to the power of".

   1 >>> Count = 135
   2 >>> Count
   3 135
   4 >>> Pi = 3.1415926
   5 >>> Pi
   6 3.1415926
   7 >>> VeryBig = 1.1e16
   8 >>> VeryBig
   9 1.1e+16
  10 >>> VerySmall = 1/VeryBig
  11 >>> print(VerySmall)
  12 9.090909090909091e-17

The common mathematical operators (+,-,/,*) work as expected, note that x**y means xy. Numbers can also be compared using the common == (is equal), != (is not equal), < (is less than), <= (is less than or equal to), > (is greater than) and >= (is greater than or equal to). Some of these operators can also be used with other types of data.


Consider the expression:

   1 >>> 1+VerySmall >1

Explain (to yourself) the syntax of this. What type will the expression evaluate to? What value do you expect? Now try it out.


Strings are sequences of characters and used to represent arbitrary text.They are found surrounded by quotation marks ( ' ) or double quotation marks ( " ).

   1 >>> SomeString = 'Hello'
   2 >>> print(SomeString)
   3 Hello

The characters stored in the sequence are indexed by integers:

   1 >>> SomeString = 'Hello'
   2 >>> SomeString[0]
   3 'H'
   4 >>> SomeString[1]
   5 'e'
   6 >>> SomeString[-1]
   7 'o'

Common operations involving strings include the .upper(), .startswith(), and endswith() methods:

   1 >>> SomeString = 'Hello'
   2 >>> SomeString.upper() # this function returns a string which is identical to SomeString except that all of the characters are capitalized
   3 'HELLO'
   4 >>> SomeString.startswith('H') # this function returns 'True' if the first character in SomeString is an 'H' and False otherwise
   5 True
   6 >>> SomeString.startswith('a') # this function returns 'True'  if the first character in SomeString is an 'a' and False otherwise
   7 False
   8 >>> SomeString.startswith('h') # this function returns 'True' if the first character in SomeString is an 'h' and False otherwise
   9 False
  10 >>> SomeString.endswith('o') # this function returns 'True' if the last character in SomeString is an 'o' and False otherwise
  11 True

The type() function

The type of each object defines what operations can be performed on it. For example, the numeric data-types (like integers and floats) can undergo numerical operations, such as subtraction and multiplication, whilst strings cannot.

The type() function returns the type of an object:

   1 >>> SomeString = 'Hello'
   2 >>> SomeInteger = 5
   3 >>> SomeFloat = 5.2548
   4 >>> type(SomeString)
   5 <class 'str'>
   6 >>> type(SomeInteger)
   7 <class 'int'>
   8 >>> type(SomeFloat)
   9 <class 'float'>

The print() function can be used to print different objects within the same text. This can be done by separating each object with a comma.

   1 >>> ChildName = 'Sam'
   2 >>> ChildAge = 5
   3 >>> print(ChildName, 'is', ChildAge, 'years-old')
   4 Sam  is  5 years-old

Lists (and tuples)

Lists and tuples are collections of items in which are stored in a specific order and each item is associated with (indexed by) an integer. The main difference between the two is that tuples are immutable - once a tuple is created it cannot be changed, whereas lists can. For these exercises we will mainly use lists. An empty list can be created by assigning a pair of closed square brackets to a variable.

   1 >>> SomeList=[]

   1 >>> SomeList.append('string 1')
   2 >>> SomeList
   3 ['string 1']

   1 >>> SomeList=['string 1']
   2 >>> SomeList
   3 ['string 1']


   1 >>> SomeList = ['string 1','string 2','string 3']
   2 >>> SomeList[0]
   3 'string 1'
   4 >>> SomeList[1]
   5 'string 2'
   6 >>> SomeList[2]
   7 'string 3'
   8 >>> SomeList[-1]
   9 'string 3'

   1 >>>SomeList[1:3]
   2 ['string 2', 'string 3']

   1 >>> SomeList.index('string 2')
   2 1

Nested lists:

   1 >>> SomeList = ['string 1','string 2','string 3']
   2 >>> nested = [1,2,3]
   3 >>> SomeList.append(nested)
   4 >>> SomeList
   5 ['string 1', 'string 2', 'string 3', [1, 2, 3]]
   6 >>> SomeList[3]
   7 [1, 2, 3]
   8 >>> SomeList[3][0]
   9 1

Note the syntax of line 8 above.

Question: Explain the syntax of line 8 - how many ways are there to specify the item with the value of 3 using this notation?


Tuples are very similar to lists, but with one important difference: ince a tuple is defined its contents cannot be changed, they are immutable. Tuples are created in a in the same way as lists, excet the round brackets "()", rather than square brackets "[ ]" are used.

   1 >>> SomeTuple = ("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3")

Exercise: Repeat the previous list examples with the tuple. What works and what doesnt? Explain.


   1 >>> dict_1 = {'alfa':1,'beta':2}  #create a dictionary
   2 >>>  print(dict_1)
   3 {'beta': 2, 'alfa': 1}
   4 >>> dict_1['alfa']                #access value '1' by key 'alfa'
   5 1
   6 >>> dict_1['gamma'] = 1          #add new key:value pair
   7 >>> dict_1['alfa'] = 'a'         #overwrite key:value pair

   1 >>> dict_1 = {'alfa':1,'beta':2} #define first dictionary
   2 >>> dict_2 = {'gamma':1}         #define second dictionary
   3 >>> dict_1['nested'] = dict_2    #add dict_2 as value to key 'nested' in dict_1
   4 >>> dict_1
   5 {'beta': 2, 'alfa': 1, 'nested': {'gamma': 1}}
   6 >>> dict_1['nested']['gamma']    #access key 'gamma' in nested dictionary
   7 1

Part 2: Loops and conditionals


For loops

The for loop is used to iterate over an iterable object, e.g. a list. Depending on how the loop is formulated the loop variable will either be an item in the iterable object or an index.

   1 >>> a_list = ['a','b','c']
   2 >>> for item in a_list:       #iterating over the items
   3         print (item)
   4 a
   5 b
   6 c

   1 >>> a_list = ['a','b','c']
   2 >>> for i in range(len(a_list)):   #iterating over indices
   3         print (a_list[i])
   5 a
   6 b
   7 c

   1 >>> a_list = ['a','b','c']
   2 >>> i = 0                  #assign value 0 to variable i
   3 >>> while i<len(a_list):   #as long as i is less than 3
   4         print (a_list[i])  #print item at index i in a_list
   5         i += 1             #increment i by 1
   7 a
   8 b
   9 c

   1 >>> a_list = ['a',1,'c',2]
   2 >>> for item in a_list:
   3         if type(item)==type(str()):  #check if item is of string type
   4             print (item+' is a string')
   5         else:                        #if not...
   6             print (str(item)+' is not a string')
   8 'a is a string'
   9 '1 is not a string'
  10 'c is a string'
  11 '2 is not a string'

   1 >>> for item in a_list:
   3         if type(item)==type(str()):
   4             print (item+' is a string')
   5         elif type(item)==type(int()):
   6             print (str(item)+' is an int')
   7         else:
   8             print (str(item)+' is unkown')
  10 'a is a string'
  11 '1 is an int'
  12 'c is a string'
  13 '2 is an int'

Part 3: Some more examples

Loops and Dictionaries

Dictionaries can be iterated over in a similar way to how we can iterate through the items of a list.

   1 >>> dict_1 = {'alfa':1,'beta':2, 'gamma':3} #define a dictionary
   2 >>> for key in dict_1:       #iterate over the keys
   3         print (key)
   5 alfa
   6 beta
   7 gamma

   1 >>> dict_1 = {'alfa':1,'beta':2, 'gamma':3} #define a dictionary
   2 >>> for key in dict_1:       #iterate over the keys
   3         print ('the key', key, 'has value', dict_1[key]) # this print statement executes if either key.endsswith('a') is True or if key.startswith('b') is True or both are True
   5 the key alfa has value 1
   6 the key beta has value 2
   7 the key gamma has value 3

Filtering strings

Sometimes we might want to select strings that have certain attributes. Recall the .startswith() function:

   1 >>> string_1 = 'alfa'
   2 >>> string_1.startswith('a') # this function returns 'True' if string_1 starts with an 'a' and False otherwise
   3 True
   4 >>> string_1.startswith('b')
   5 False
   6 >>> string_1.startswith('A')
   7 False

This function, along with an if statement, can be used to specify which keys of a dictionary are printed.

   1 >>> dict_1 = {'alfa':1,'beta':2, 'gamma':3} #define a dictionary
   2 >>> for key in dict_1:       #iterate over the keys
   3         if key.startswith('a'):
   4             print (key) # this print statement executes if key.startswith('a') is True
   6 alfa

   1 >>> dict_1 = {'alfa':1,'beta':2, 'gamma':3} #define a dictionary
   2 >>> for key in dict_1:       #iterate over the keys
   3         if key.startswith('a') or key.startswith('b'):
   4             print ('the key', key, 'has value', dict_1[key]) # this print statement executes if either key.endsswith('a') is True or if key.startswith('b') is True or both are True
   6 the key alfa has value 1
   7 the key beta has value 2

None: Meetings/Nottingham2024/Prac2 (last edited 2024-12-04 15:43:55 by mark)