Current Projects



Engineering enzymes, bacteria and bioconversion processes for advanced biofuels from waste grain straw is a collaborative project funded by BBSRC and the DBT in India. The central web site for the project is Our project page is under construction.

Acclimation of Photosynthesis

Which carries the acronym AccliPhot, started in 2013 and is funded by the EU.

Development of Metabolic Models to Support Systems Biology Approaches to Bioenergy Research

A BBSRC-funded UK-India Partnering Award: its page is UKIPA

Modelling acetogen metabolism

This involves modelling the unusual metabolism of one of the acetogens, bacteria that have potential applications in industrial biotechnology. It is in association with BioSyntha Technology Ltd and is supported by a BBSRC iCASE studentship from September 2014. Further details


David Fell is co-investigator to the principal investigator, Nigel Minton, University of Nottingham to assist in running this BBSRC Network in Industrial Biotechnology concerned with developing applications of C1 gas ermentation. See the BBSRC and Oxford Brookes University announcements. The project has its own website. The group's contribution will be in the area of metabolic modelling and design of engineered pathways.

Recent Projects

Combining Algal and Plant Physiology

This is described at CAPP. Our component involved modelling CO2 diffusion, transport and fixation in plant cells.

The funding for the following ended in 2013, but work is still continuing on them.

Fruit Integrative Modelling

This collaborative project has its own website here

Predictive Modelling of the Rice (Oryza sativa) metabolic network

This was funded by a BBSRC UK-India Partnering Award to our group, and a DBT, India, CREST Fellowship to our collaborator Dr Sudip Kundu, University of Calcutta. Details can be found here.