Download the ScrumPy software package (right click and select 'Save Link As', and then 'Save')

Now open a shell (aka terminal) window and locate the file you just downloaded. Depending on the linux distribution you are using it will be in either your home directory or in the 'Downloads" directory:

mark@CSMG-WS3:~$ ls
bin        Desktop  Downloads  print                    tmp
Computing  doc      model      ScrumPy-Innotargets.tgz

The exact output you see will probably be slightly different, but the main point is that we have the ScrumPy-Innotargets.tgz file. If you don't see it will most likely be in the Downloads directory:

mark@CSMG-WS3:~$ ls Downloads/

Otherwise please consult a demonstrator. We shall now create a new directory to keep relevant files in (best practice - keep ScrumPy related material separate from everything else)

mark@CSMG-WS3:~$ mkdir ScrumPy

and move the downloaded file to our newly created directory:

mark@CSMG-WS3:~$ mv ScrumPy-Innotargets.tgz ScrumPy


mark@CSMG-WS3:~$ mv Downloads/ScrumPy-Innotargets.tgz ScrumPy

Now we can unpack the archive:

mark@CSMG-WS3:~$ cd ScrumPy/
mark@CSMG-WS3:~/ScrumPy$ tar zxf ScrumPy-Innotargets.tgz
mark@CSMG-WS3:~/ScrumPy$ ls
11190523  ScrumPy-Innotargets.tgz

Note we now have a new directory, 11190523, the exact name may differ but it will have exactly 8 characters, this contains the unpacked source code:

mark@CSMG-WS3:~/ScrumPy$ cd 11190523/
mark@CSMG-WS3:~/ScrumPy/11190523$ ls      LICENSE      syntoin       README
CHANGELOG     INSTALL          ScrumPy
config.txt  ScrumPy.e4p       synfromin

The actual source code is in the directory ScrumPy, the other files are to facilitate the installation process, which we can now complete:

mark@CSMG-WS3:~/ScrumPy$ sudo python3 ./

You will see quite a lot of text scrolling up the screen as various dependencies are installed, so be patient. When it has finished you need to leave leave the installation directory, and you should now be able to run ScrumPy:

mark@CSMG-WS3:~/ScrumPy$ cd
mark@CSMG-WS3:~$ ScrumPy3

This should bring up the following window, in which case you are home and dry - otherwise consult a demonstrator.


None: Meetings/Barcelona2023/ScrumPyInstall (last edited 2023-05-19 14:24:04 by mark)