
Reading List on Structural Modelling

Model building

1. Types of problems encountered in building metabolic models:

2. A review of the issues involved in generating genome scale models of metabolism. The reference list refers to some of the original examples from the Palsson group:

Mathematics of Stoichiometric Analysis

An accessible account:

Elementary Modes Analysis

1. The original publication introducing elementary modes analysis:

2. A more advanced description of elementary modes

3. EMA reviewed:

4. Calvin cycle example for Practical 4:

in the chloroplast stroma. Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 430-439

Linear Programming/ Flux Balance Analysis

1. An example of genome scale modelling for analysis of eukaryotic metabolism:

2. Using a genome–scale model to find drug targets:

Designs for Metabolic Engineering

1. Assessment of biotechnological potential:

2. Another example of the use of metabolic modelling to consider options for metabolic engineering:

3. Designing a knock–out strategy to force ethanol production in E. coli:

4. Potential products from rice straw hydrolysate:

5. Increasing alkane production in E. coli (Practical 5):

None: Meetings/Nepal2018/Reading (last edited 2018-07-02 01:45:27 by david)