David Fell
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David Fell is Professor Emeritus (since 2019) of Systems Biology in the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences at Oxford Brookes University.
His other roles have included:
He was a member of the Oxford Centre for Integrative and Systems Biology;
- Between 2007 and 2009 he was chair of BBSRC's Integrative and Systems Biology Strategy Panel;
He was the chairman of the International Study Group for Systems Biology, formerly known as the International Study Group for BioThermoKinetics or BTK from 2006 until 2012.
He was one of the founders of the Oxford Systems Biology company Physiomics in 2001 was part-time Chief Scientific Adviser until 2018.
He is the author of Understanding the Control of Metabolism (Portland Press, 1997),now available as a PDF from ResearchGate.
- He was Chair of the Policy Committee of the Biochemical Society 2012-2014.
- He has been, and still is, a member of a number of Scientific Advisory Boards in the UK and elsewhere.
- Journal Editor (Biochemical Journal, Biochemical Society Transactions, Metabolic Engineering).