3 Metabolic Control Analysis with ScrumPy
MCA of a 4 step pathway
Create a new directory and download the feedback4.spy model.
- This is a 4 step pathway with end product inhibition on the first step.
- Identify the Vmax parameters of each reactions.
- Calculate the flux control coefficient of every Vmax over every flux in the system:
(you will need to specify VmaxNames - don't just cut and paste)
What relationship can you identify about the effect that any one Vmax value has on all reaction fluxes. Explain why this relationship exists.
- Assume that this is a metabolic engineering problem. Try and achieve a 10 fold increase in flux by manipulating only the Vmax values. Can you do this whilst minimising the impact on the concentration of the intermediates ?
The effect of end-product inhibition on control coefficients. Here we wish to scan across a very wide range of values for the inhibition constant of the first reaction, so we will increase it proportionately, and plot on a log scale. (In the code below, x *= y is a convenient short hand for x = x*y).
1 >>> from Data import Datasets 2 >>> ds = DataSets.DataSet(ItemNames = ["K1_S", "CJ1", "CJ4"]) 3 >>> m["K1_S"] = 1e-5 4 >>> for n in range(40): 5 m["K1_S"] *= 1.4 6 K1_S = m["K1_S"] 7 CJ1 = m.ScaledSensits("VM1", ["R1"]) 8 CJ4 = m.ScaledSensits("VM4", ["R1"]) 9 ds.NewRow([K1_S]+CJ1+CJ4) 10 11 >>> ds.Plotter.SetLog() 12 >>> ds.AddToPlot(["CJ1","CJ4"])
(Note: you only need to import DataSets once per session.)